Hell week's over! Cheers!

as you may have already noticed, I've been radio silence since my last post on the 10th. the week after that has been such a painfully challenging week for me and the family. as i've recounted several times already, i am a working mom with a working husband with a demanding baby without any paid help except for the extra hands of my 60+ yo post kidney transplant (KT) mom. hard enough as it is, our everyday involves me and my husband juggling both work and caring for Bonchie, maintaining the household and taking care of the dogs and of course, ourselves. we've found schedules that works for us. when he's at work i care for the little boss, when i'm at work he's in charge of the little one and on rare occasions that we need to rest, my mom takes charge. so with the strict routine of our everyday, it does becomes a challenge when something goes amiss. well, 2 weeks ago things didnt just go amiss, our schedule my schedule when out of whack.

Von had been delaying to attend "career advancing" training ever since i got pregnant. me being with a complicated pregnancy and all is a whole new different story. but to sum it up, it didn't fit our schedules then. so 2 weeks ago, he really had to. training was during the normal business hours, that being said, i had to be up and in charge during those hours to be with the little boss while still being up in charge during my office shift. it was hell. I've got an average of 4-5 hours of sleep a day, doesn't sound so bad right? well that's 4-5 hours of staggered sleep throughout the entire day. plus, Bonchie got sick the latter part of the week with fever reaching 39C. i think he was just teething as the fever came suddenly without cough & colds. it was still such a bad timing though. to cap it all off, a new boss has been onboard the same week, so the little off the records perks we enjoyed in the office like being a little late, going home a little early, etc., now felt like all on the record. fun fun fun!

mombie - oh yea! dts so me!

lets just say, i'm sooooo glad its over. last week, i spent my days recuperating for my lack of sleep and has finally found straight 6-8 hours sleep. I know soon Von would have to attend another set of trainings again but let me savor the moment for now. hell weeks would be there over and over but we've already learned and accepted that with every challenging times is the better times. so i'm enjoying it while it last. btw, as a treat we were able to squeeze in a date night to end the hell week! i'll save that story to share when i get another chance, right now, my laundry is calling me! see yaw!
