The Blog & Me

"It's a good life!"

This blog is dedicated to document the good life I've been blessed with. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of life changing lessons but I've eventually learned to treat them as blessings designed to strengthen my character. And no, I won't be focusing on only the good things in this blog but also every roadblocks, trials and challenges that led to this  better life.

I am Vin. Married to Von (yes, it feels like fate, destiny, soulmates - Von & Vin). And my good life started when he entered the picture. We've been together for 6 years and married for 3. This year we've welcomed another addition to our V family - Vaughan, who we fondly call Bonchie. It's been a beautiful marriage which has grown more exciting with the birth of our son. Life has never been easy for both of us but it has been good. Now, with our little boss around, our life has been taken to whole new challenging level.

Aside from marriage and motherhood, I also have a corporate life (as with my husband) with a job as equally demanding as the latter. I work for a team I fondly call the geek squad. Though I am not as academically gifted as the rest of the team, I thrive for the new found intelligence I learn from them. I get to cope and be fulfilled with every breakthroughs and accomplishments.

Being the first time working mom that I am, it's sometimes difficult to cherish the moment as we get too caught up with the demands of everyday. Hence, the need to maintain this blog. It would always be nice to look back, re-live the moments, learn from the challenges and savor the victories. Most importantly, my son will only be a baby once and with this blog I aim to capture and recapture every precious moment of his life. I think every mother if given the chance would never want to miss that.

our life in pictures: A DAY IN THE LIFE
