Time Check

Time check! Feb 28, 2018. A little more than one year backlogged.

So briefly, what's new?
  • we've moved in to our new house!
  • the move we did is already a year back
  • Bonchie is now in Nursery and moving up to K1 is less than a month away 😊
  • he is ace-ing school 👆🏼
  • he is now 4 and no longer the only child
  • yes, a full term pregnancy and the birth of our new child
  • New baby is now 4 mos old, 10 days shy of turning 5 mos

Aside from that, nothing much has changed 🙃
It’s still the same old crazy but crazier family life

I’m back and I plan to update the blog with the events of the past year and change. Before we all know it, no one would even notice the hiatus. 

See you around!
